Friday, September 30, 2011

That's not true!!

by Katy Kam, City College of San Francisco ESL Student

This is Rachel Tan who I interviewed last week. Rachel is from China and she has been in the United States since 2010.

Left Rachel Tan and Right Katy Kam

Katy: Do you follow the news?

Rachel: Yes, I follow it every day.

Katy: What interests you?

Rachel: Well, Everything related with entertainment interest me. Also I like fashion, design in clothes and news about health.

Katy: Where do you look?

Rachel: I look for news on the website New York Times, the Sing Lang, a Chinese website and also the Tencent website.

Katy: Who do you believe?

Rachel: I don’t believe what the newspaper says in case of the design, that says: you might look very good with this style. But I like to read what they say.

Katy: Are your perspectives being represented?

Rachel: My perspectives are being represented a few times, and different people have different opinions about the same entertainment. Even if my opinion matches others, it could be fake.

1 comment:

  1. I like this post because I like design, fashion, and clothes as well! Of course the fashion industry try to take out all money from our pockets, but it's the way of their existing.
